Elder Scrolls V rumored for E3

Rumors are swirling around the net of a possible Elder Scrolls V reveal at this year’s E3 (starting June 14th). Bethesda have stated they have a secret announcement for E3 resulting in many pointing their blissfully wishful fingers at the Elder Scrolls franchise. The timing for this would make sense as it’s been four years since Oblivion was released which itself came four years after Morrowind. There is also a chance that this secret is an Elder Scrolls MMO but Bethesda have already said that they wouldn’t be making such a game because ZeniMax Online – a division of Bethesda – deals with all that.

I, like a considerable amount of others, do so hope a new Elder Scrolls is in development. Oblivion consumed so much of my time that I didn’t realise we had a summer in 2006. It’s been a long time coming and Fallout 3 may have been close to a spiritual successor but not a satisfying replacement. All should be revealed in a couple of weeks.

{Thanks Metro}

A whole new world

Two Worlds II - "Seriously it was this big"

Two Worlds was a promising looking RPG that could have been another reason to dip into a fantasy realm once we’d finished with Oblivion. Unfortunately Reality Pump‘s RPG was no where near obtaining such an accolade with poor graphics, poor controls and laughable sound effects. Not one to be beaten and sure of the potential, Reality Pump has been busy creating a sequel, Two Worlds II, and even given it a brand new engine too. GRACE is not just the name of your elderly relative anymore, oh no, it powers TWII in order for it to have the graphics which you see above in the screenshot (with three more after the break). Pretty good considering the first Two Worlds. A neat device which the engine will do is hamper mobility depending on the terrain. Walk into the marshland of Antaloor (the game’s world) and watch as the bog slows the character down. Neat but how long before it becomes an annoyance? There are alternate paths and wooden walkways to use so here’s hoping the experience will be broken up. The press release assures us too that the developers have upped the detail on the audio with suitably squishy noises to accompany the marshland.

Yeah those things sound interesting but nothing we haven’t seen before and lets face it, in this generation the sound effects would have to be pretty impressive to warrant getting excited over. Reality Pump have a lot to do in order to win back those burned by the first game. Hopefully they’ve learned from pervious shortcomings and Two Worlds II will be delightful fantasy adventure. Keep those fingers crossed until later this year when TWII gets released on both Mac and PC (leaving out the Xbox 360 this time around).

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