5th Cell reveals its next game, Hybrid

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Taking a rather different direction for their next game, developers 5th Cell have announced they’re working on an XBLA title called Hybrid that is set in a post-apocalyptic world. And if that doesn’t sound like a lot of recent releases, Hybrid is also a third-person shooter.

The game’s official site suggests the idea of joining one of two sides; Paladins and Variants as the site is split into two areas. What I can gather from the faux online journals, the Variants seem the more technologically advanced but both entries read as if written by beings that were not human but do have interactions with them.

Without going too deep into teaser information, what 5th Cell have revealed so far is enough to get the juices of interest positively flowing. In order to stand out from the increasingly crowded genre of post-apocalyptic shooters, Hybrid is said to deliver “a completely new gameplay experience never seen before in the genre”. Games like Super Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life show that 5th Cell definitely have the capabilities to make completely new gameplay experiences but the third-person shooter is a tough one to master. Even more so when it’ll be the first console game from 5th Cell.

Hybrid is set for a 2011 release on Xbox Live Arcade.

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